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Articles Posted in Drug Crimes


DEA Conducts Video Surveillance on Private Property Without a Search Warrant

In Wisconsin, there is a pending marijuana case that started when the police received a tip that the defendant was growing marijuana plants on his property. The local police solicited the assistance of the DEA who went on the property without consent and without a search warrant and installed video…


Florida Trafficking in Hydrocodone Case Gets Reversed Due to Prescription Defense

In a recent trafficking in Hydrocodone case near Jacksonville, Florida, the police executed a search warrant at the defendant’s home and found a pill bottle with pain pills beside his bed. The pill bottle indicated they were prescribed to the defendant’s mother who was not present at the time. They…


Police in Florida Can Approach Suspect and Ask Basic Questions

In Florida, the United States and Florida constitutions afford citizens certain rights to prevent police officers from unreasonably stopping them, detaining them and searching them. The term “unreasonable” in this context refers to police searches and seizures that are done without sufficient, specific evidence to establish the person is involved…


Former Police Ask Federal Government to Respect New State Marijuana Legalization Laws

As many people are aware, Colorado and Washington recently passed laws legalizing marijuana to some extent. In the past, when California passed laws legalizing medical marijuana dispensaries, the federal government seemingly ignored the state’s wishes and raided these medical marijuana dispensaries that were legal under state law. For some reason,…


Police in Florida Cannot Enter Your House Just Because They Smell Marijuana

In a trafficking in marijuana case near Jacksonville, Florida, police officers were given a tip from a person who said the defendant was growing large quantities of marijuana in his home. A tip like that by itself is rarely sufficient to get a search warrant, but it is usually the…


Separate Bags of Cocaine May Be Combined to Result in Trafficking Offense

In Florida, there is often a significant different in penalties between possessing drugs and trafficking drugs. Possession of drugs such as marijuana, cocaine or methamphetamine is a serious felony charge, but can often be resolved without jail or prison time depending on the defendant’s criminal history and the circumstances of…

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