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Florida Police Arrest 103 People in Alleged Prescription Drug Trafficking Ring

Police in Flagler County, St. Johns County and Putnam County, Florida arrested 103 people who were allegedly involved in illegally trafficking prescription pills, according to an article on As we have discussed several times on our website, over the last few years police throughout Florida and Georgia have been focusing on prescription pill cases. In particular, they have been going after pain clinics, or pill mills as they call them, and arresting everyone associated with pain clinics they allege are involved with distributing pain pills in large quantities to anyone without following the laws and proper medical procedures. Police have been arresting people at pain clinics from the patients to the staff members to the doctors to the people who own the pain clinics.

In this case, doctors and pain clinic owners were included in the arrests. According to the Florida statistics, there have been more than 2,800 arrests related to pain clinics and prescription drugs since march of 2011. Police have also closed more than 250 pain clinics in Florida during that time period.

If you have any questions about operating a pain management medical facility or have been contacted or arrested by police related to such a facility, it is very important that you know and protect your rights. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation.

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