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Jacksonville Criminal Lawyer Blog


Jacksonville Area Officials Focus on Contractors Soliciting Business Without a License

In Atlantic Beach, officials for the Department of Business and Professional Regulation have been cracking down on contractors who solicit customers for work they are not licensed to perform, according to an article on According to the report, contractors in the Jacksonville area were advertising on the popular website…


Federal Law Enforcement Officials Focus on Mortgage Fraud

The federal crime of mortgage fraud has become a priority for federal law enforcement officials, according to a recent FBI press release. Over the last few months, the FBI and Department of Justice have undertaken coordinated efforts to arrest and prosecute those allegedly responsible for committing mortgage fraud. No doubt,…


For DUI Stops in Jacksonville, What is the Most Important Factor in Determining Whether the Police Officer Will Make an Arrest?

It may be the personal characteristics and personality of the police officer that determine whether you will be arrested for DUI (also referred to as DWI, drunk driving and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs) in Jacksonville, Florida. Much of the evidence that a police officer uses to…

Posted in: DUI

Would the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Add a Fuel Surcharge to Speeding Tickets?

Gas prices have become a central issue in Jacksonville and throughout the country as they continue to rise into the summer months with no relief in sight. Americans have established a lifestyle conducive to low gas prices, and many of us are having a difficult time making adjustments to the…


Police Officer and Magistrate Judge Charged with Human Trafficking in Federal Court

A police officer and former magistrate judge were charged with human trafficking and several other federal crimes for allegedly bringing a woman into the United States from India under false pretenses and subjecting her to a form of “modern day slavery” in Georgia, according to an article at According…

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